
Assign a Name/Handle to your IP (Optional):

05/07 23:40 (Larry) Update. Playing with offloading some of the video to Vimeo to reduce my usage. Just playing with it so it may change a few times...
05/03 02:00 (Larry) Sorry, made a change that messed up the gallery display. I think it is working again.
04/21 22:26 (Larry) Ive added the abilty for Private Users to create a User Name and Password. If you already had a valid User Name you may only have to add a password. All still new so may find a few problems. Let me know.
(Larry) FYI I may be on the road the next couple of days so may not be able to respond as fast.
04/20 18:36 (Larry) I am working on a new Login and Logout process for Private users that allows for you to have a User Name and Password. This will help those that are trying to use the site from multiple devices and locations. This may cause a few bumps during the change. Sorry for any problems. Should start seeing changes within the next week.
04/11 22:00 I have captures of James Hatfield in Tolum from 220. How do I upload them
(Larry) The upload buttons are at the top of each gallery.
03/30 22:38 (Larry) FYI. Starting in May Private user IPs will be cleared after 30 days of non-use. After 30 days you will be asked to reenter the password. All of your posts and uploads will remain.
(stram) Any thoughts of making a login system in the future
(Larry) I have but have tried to stay clear of collecting user information. Obviously I have your IP to be able to send web pages to you. I cant use SSL because many webcams still do not.
04/04 22:53 (stram) Thanks for all the hard work Larry the site is looking great
03/26 21:55 could you add an upload date
(Larry) Sounds like a good idea. Ill see what I can do.
(Larry) I have added upload date. However only works for uploads after they kicked me off the old platform.
03/26 00:19 hey will there always be the 100mb upload limit
(Larry) Probably will be for now. The old service had unlimited storage so was not a problem. I had to move this on to my shared server and have unlimited storage but not unlimited bandwidth for uploads and viewing.
(Larry) There are ways to compress video. Many of these captures are very low quality. If you have a good one I might be able to help.
thanks ive been compressing to sub 100 but even at 98mb I get the 100mb error.
(Larry) Yeah I have noticed sometimes the file size on my PC is a little different than after upload. Dont know why. Send me an email and Ill get you a link and we can load it manually.
03/26 15:47 (Larry) I have added the ability for you to delete files that you uploaded. However it is only for uploads going forward. When you display an image you uploaded you will see a new delete button at the bottom.
(Larry) This is tied to your IP so you must delete from the same device that you used to upload the file.
03/17 21:38 (Larry) On the Recent Uploads page I have added a way to see a list of all recent Gallery and Image comments with appropriate links. Hope this helps it easier to see who is commenting on what.
03/04 16:48 (Larry) Recent Upload gallery added above. Excludes uploads prior to change.
(Mockup) Maybe add next prev home end buttons
03/01 20:54 (Larry) A few things I am aware of and working on.
(Larry) A recently added album of the most recent uploads
(Larry) I did save the old uploads but could not save the date uploaded. So old captures are not in any sequence.
(Larry) Video can be uploaded but only mp4 files less than 75meg. Still no thumbnail for video
(Larry) Trying to generate thumbnail images for image uploads to reduce load times
(Larry) Working on an option to see most recent comments on galleries and images.
02/28 20:43 (Larry) Ive got some basic functionality for everyone to use but trying to find something better. This solution is not working well for video.
02/26 23:29 Thanks Larry, You the man !!!
02/26 19:03 Thanks Larry, Should we wait before uploading into other folders?
(Larry) It should be OK to try but save a copy
02/26 19:52 What is the code for access and where do I put it???
(Larry) When you go to PrivatePics it should ask for a password unless you have been there before. Email me for the password.
02/26 13:57 Videos do not have thumbnail. Might I also suggest enabling the option to load more images per page. Also display
(Larry) I wish it was as simple as enabling an option
02/26 14:13 Bad change
(Larry) Well I cant use the old service because your pics were too explicit. Change is not my preference.
02/26 13:59 😃 Go larry!
02/26 13:53 ᒄ₍⁽ˆ⁰ˆ⁾₎ᒃ♪♬ Happy to see the pics again. CasalmMalca and Private Pics are working.
02/26 03:31 (Larry) I've added a link to the new code above. This is still in test. Old pics have only been loaded in CasaMalca and Private Pics. Still working on Video.
(Larry) Comment Blocks have been added in several places. You can now comment on individual pics.
(Larry) I m sure there are problems but might help me test.
02/25 18:22 We need to get this fixed
02/23 12:48 Previous page much better
Really missing capture page
02/22 22:21 when will they return??
(Larry) Well it s just me working on it and I had to plant onions today! I ll try to play with it tonight.
02/22 15:54 miss the captures :(
02/20 21:55 Love the Captures makes me want to go to the beach
02/20 19:08 (Larry) Sorry, but the service I used to host pictures and video decided my content was too explicit. I have had to take the pics down, but did save them. Hope to have a new service soon.
02/20 02:27 (Larry) Working On Captures - Please Standby
02/09 07:51 Recent pool picture for other cam which cam
(Larry) Looks like the Southermost Pineapple pool in Key West FL
02/06 20:36 which cam is the last in "Other"?
(Larry) Dinghys Beach Bar and Grill
(Larry) Webcam from St Martin
02/06 02:21 Anyone know why the southernmost point cam was moved?
01/25 18:40 Pretty dry at the moment, we need to have a dig around some others
12/03 10:42 What cam are the recent beach photos posted in other from
(Larry) Casa Malca - Tulum Mexico